motion: n.1.运动,动,移动(opp. rest)。2.(天体的)运行;(车、船等的)动摇;(机器的)开动,运转;【机械工程】机械装置,机制。3.动作,举动;手势;眼色;姿态;〔pl.〕(个人或团体的)行动,举动,活动。4.(议会中的)提议,动议;动机,意向;刺激;【法律】申请,请求。5.大便;〔pl.〕排泄物。6.【音乐】(旋律、曲调的)变移。短语和例子M- itself is
mass: n.弥撒;弥撒的仪式[祷告、音乐];弥撒曲。 a high [solemn] Mass (有烧香、奏乐等的)大弥撒。 a low [private] Mass (无烧香、奏乐的)小弥撒。 by the Mass 一定,的确。 say [read] Mass 作弥撒,念经。n.1.块,堆,团。2.群众,集团;〔the masses〕群众;民众。3.大量;大宗;众多;〔the
Convection is heat transfer by mass motion of a fluid such as air or water when the heated fluid is caused to move away from the source of heat , carrying energy with it 对流是传热集体议案的流体,如空气或水,当加热流体是造成搬离努力从源头上的热量,进行能量与它。